StartupHomeCare Blog

Subtle Sources of Anxiety for Seniors (and Ways to Manage Them)

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We all find ourselves stressed out from time to time, but what happens when you’re stressed all the time? For some people, normal stress can bubble over into anxiety and start affecting your life in serious ways. According to, people over 65 are often left with anxiety that’s untreated and undiagnosed. Recognizing and addressing the source of anxiety can make a big impact on your mood. Here are common (but subtle) stressors you may not have considered.



If a specific relationship in your life is contentious, it’s probably occurred to you that it might be a source of stress. However, a relationship doesn’t have to be bad to be anxiety-inducing. Sometimes, the people who you love and who love you most can cause stress, simply by being stressed themselves. Stay aware of your loved one’s moods, and recognize if you’re picking up on their energy. Acknowledging that their problems are not yours can provide substantial relief.



The foods you’re eating (or not eating) can be an unexpected cause of anxiety. For example, consuming too much caffeine can leave you stressed out, both from the caffeine itself and the sleep disturbances it can cause. Gaps in nutrition have been linked with mood disorders, meaning if you’re not getting all your vitamins and nutrients, you might experience more stress. Take an honest look at your caffeine intake and overall nutrition and see if there’s anywhere you can improve. Nearly everyone can benefit from cutting back on coffee and taking a multivitamin.



Gloomy weather can have a bigger impact on your mood than you might expect. The reason is simple: When you get lots of sunshine, your body is able to produce more vitamin D, which can help regulate mood. If you don’t, your emotions can be less predictable and more tumultuous. In some people, this has such a pronounced effect that they can be diagnosed with seasonal effective disorder. This is a form of depression that usually strikes in winter, which can be especially harmful to seniors who suffer from isolation.

If it’s been especially rainy or snowy lately, your anxious mind might be linked to clouds. Take any opportunity you can to soak up the sunshine that does arrive, and consider a sun lamp to get some rays when the real thing’s stuck behind a cold front.


Your Outlook

Sometimes, anxiety can happen when your brain gets stuck in a pattern of flipping between stressful thoughts or ideas. Now, this isn’t to say your anxiety is your fault — usually the stressors your mind jumps between are legitimate concerns. The issue is in the habit of focusing on those stressors during times you cannot do anything about them. Fortunately, there are tools you can use to break your brain’s habits and give it new, healthier ones.

Consider adding mindfulness practice to your daily routine. Even five to 10 minutes of simple mindfulness can help rewire your brain so that you focus more on the here and now. Here’s an easy way to practice: set a timer for five minutes, and for that five minutes, mentally describe everything you see — but only use facts. For example, if you saw a dandelion, you could describe it as “a flower, yellow, small, green-stemmed.” Try to avoid judgments such as “shouldn’t be there” or even positive opinions like “pretty” — stick to just the facts.


When to Talk to a Doctor

Everyone experiences periods of anxiety, but frequent or severe anxiety, can mean there’s something wrong. Panic attacks, constant worries, or anxiety that’s getting worse over time are signs it’s time to talk to a doctor. A medical professional can help identify physiological causes of anxiety and help you figure out the treatment plan that’s best for your needs.

Unfortunately, stress and anxiety are a part of life, but you can find ways to reduce it and improve your mental well-being. Taking charge of your habits, relationships, and outlook can go a long way toward making life less stressful and more satisfying.

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