StartupHomeCare Blog

Best Winter Activities for Seniors

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During the cold winter months, you probably worry about your senior loved one falling or suffering from hypothermia. These are valid concerns to have as a home health care business. However, another hazard that your aging loved one is at risk of experiencing is seasonal affective disorder also known as SAD. It is a certain type of depression people experience in the winter. Seniors are at risk for developing SAD since winter weather makes it more difficult to get out of the house. Keep your elderly loved one from experiencing depression by engaging some winter activities this coming up winter.

Bake Together

There are so many tasty treats to make with the holidays approaching. So, spend some time together in the warm kitchen doing some baking. Delicious home-made treats are irresistible on a chilly winter day.

Winter Movie Night

Make some warm drinks, pop some popcorn, and snuggle up with a warm cozy blanket with your senior loved one for a winter movie night. Create a list of several holiday or winter movies and have a movie marathon. You can even invite friends and other family members for a day of laughter and movies. Some great holiday and winter movie ideas include The Grinch, Elf, A Christmas Story, and The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.

Enjoy an Indoor Picnic

Brighten your aging loved ones day by having an indoor picnic. Have a picnic basket full of food, use picnic themed paper goods, play a nature track, and burn a spring smelling candle. Foods for your picnic can include burgers, fried chicken, potato salad, and apple pie.

Learn a New Skill

It is always fun learning a new skill. This is especially true when you learn it with someone you care about. Learning a new skill reduces the risk of SAD, and also reduces the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease in aging adults. So, ask your senior loved one if there is a skill they would like to learn, such as woodworking, knitting, quilting, a new language, or singing. To make the cold winter months fly by, you and your aging loved one can do weekly classes together.

Bridge and Other Card Games

You can set up a weekly bridge game with friends or other family members. However, if bridge is not your thing, there are several other card games you and your elderly loved one can try. There is poker, gin rummy, Skip-Bo, Uno, blackjack, and much more. Make the game more interesting by using poker chips or by betting with pennies.

Play Bingo

While bingo may not be an active game, it is an excellent way to get out of the house, meet people, and be social. Whether you go with your senior loved one, or they go alone or with someone else, this game is a perfect choice for winter.

Seasonal Arts and Crafts

Wintertime is a great time to create something. This time of year is fantastic for sewing, knitting, crocheting, or other arts and crafts. Perhaps you could learn how to paint with a Bob Ross DVD. After all, you are never too old to learn something new.

The cold months of winter can be difficult for seniors. But planning activities that get them out of the house and keep them socially engaged can keep them full of good cheer. Try one of the aforementioned winter activities or come up with some of your own to beat the winter blues. Just always put safety first. If you and your senior loved one do go outside, be sure they wear thick layers. And do not forget hats and gloves and a scarf to cover the mouth and nose. We bet those that were starting a home healthcare business  and looking into home health care training didn’t think they’d be doing so many fun activities!

Since icy, snowy conditions increase the risk of a fall, it is important to take precautions. A home health care business needs to clear steps and walkways, and ensure walkways are salted. Also, your aging loved one should wear boots that have non-skid soles. If your senior loved one has issues with mobility, consider hiring a professional to help them overcome those challenges.

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