If you have not owned a home care business before then you probably don’t realize how much you have to learn. As the old saying goes, “You don’t know what you don’t know.” Reading a book about how to win a law suit hardly qualifies you to handle the day to day work of an attorney. The same goes for a home care administrator. Will the book train you on best practices of how to provide care services and show you visually so you know exactly how to train your employees to avoid costly workers compensation claims and worse yet client law suits against your agency for negligence or doing something an RN should have legally done? How about marketing? Does reading a book get you ready to hit the street and start getting referrals? How do you know the marketing techniques you may read about are tried and proven in the real world? What about on-going new and fresh techniques to get in doors that are closed to newcomers?

What about hiring the right caregivers, training them, screening them, incentive them financially and non financially? What is normal in the industry? What does it take to retain good employees? What do they expect? What are the best ways to bill clients? What if they don’t pay on-time, what do you do? What is normal? All of these questions and hundreds more will have you spending your precious time stressing about things that will bring you no or little revenue and cause you a lot of time consuming issues. Your time is your biggest asset as a business owner and you need to focus on things that drive revenue and provide quality care outcomes.

Having a proven business model in place to appropriately manage your employees, clients, referral sources, etc. will allow you to accomplish this difficult task. Without a steady flow of clients a business will die in its first or second year – no matter how slick its software or caregiver training programs are. Accountability is key to success and our AHI Group Members have weekly check points with their coaches and reports they are required to fill out weekly on their sales and marketing efforts that week. All of this and much more keeps our AHI Group Member agencies motivated, moving forwards, and handling situations correctly so as not to give themselves a black eye in their community which could end their agency before it really gets up to speed. We wish we could tell you that being successful in this business was as easy as reading a book – because we would publish one – or attending a 3-4 days seminar – but unfortunately that is not going to cut it as you compete with the best home care agencies already embedded in your community.

A:  What will you say to a discharge planner at a hospital that says, “We don’t recommend home care agencies to any patients.” How will you get referrals from that discharge planner now? What if your client chokes to death while the caregiver is in the rest room? What will you do next? What if the client has a G-Tube, or a catheter, what are you legally allowed to do with those devices? What if the client has shaky hands and can’t hold a dixie cup to give themselves medication pills – what can you legally do to help them?

What will you do if a discharge planner at a skilled nursing facility, VA hospital, long term care insurance company, or Medicaid Waiver program says, “We are super happy with the four home care agencies we have been referring to for the last three years as they handle all our difficult cases super well, they have well trained caregivers, and they have great specialty training in hospice and Alzheimer’s – so we are not looking for anyone else right now – but thanks for coming in though!” What will you say next? Without having a seasoned coach/mentor to discuss the situations that occur each day – you will have a difficult time figuring out how to handle each situation and could end up getting a ‘black eye’ in your community before you ever get off the ground.

Contact us to get a FREE copy of the “Hard Questions You Need To Ask About Support/Coaching”. Understanding who will be your coach and what exactly you will be doing with them on a daily basis is very important to the success and growth of your organization long term. Included in AHI Group’s Lifetime Membership Fee is unlimited daily coaching/support from our team of former home care business owners. Each member is assigned a personal coach who will assist them grow their business day to day.

AHI Group founders started their own agency at the beginning of a depression (January 2007) in the most competitive market place in the nation – Southern California – with over 200 other existing home care agencies. AHI Group’s founders were able to market their new home care agency and grow it into a multi-million dollar business. The founders are now sharing the secrets to their success and the hard lessons they learned that can be avoided.

Our marketing approaches and tools are unique, give back to the healthcare community, and have proven highly successful in today’s difficult economic landscape at beating out the local competition. Our members get trained and supported only by staff who have (or currently own) their own successful senior care business. Our members are coached only by those who have actually started a home care business from scratch and grown it into a multi-million dollar operation.

Find out more about our unique & innovative model

Success in the senior care industry doesn’t need to cost you a third of your profits.

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